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While in Uganda last month, we visited the new location for Restore Leadership Academy in Gulu.  We approached this land and stumbled upon some beautiful children and women walking up and down the roadside and being there close to sunset caught some great images while there.  We walked through what will be the school, the dorms, and talked about the plans and dreams for the place.  Since 2004, Restore International has been part of rescuing, rehabilitating, and leading efforts there to bring justice to Uganda.  When we visited the existing school, I spent only one afternoon there, but while there,  made friends and was overwhelmed at how they greeted us, welcomed us, and wanted to be with us.  The teachers, kids, and leaders of the school were all equally welcoming and loving.  I am so excited for the kids to move into their new school and dorm as soon as next month, and that the next time I visit, they’ll be in the new location. While there, and as you drive away, you can’t help but wonder how you might respond if it was your life or your children that were displaced and changed by poverty & war.

The goal is to bring opportunities to those that might never have any, and raise up a generation of leaders who might in turn lead their country into a restored Uganda.

While at the existing school where the kids currently attend school and live,  we sat under a tree with Sr. 6 Graduates.   Watching Bob and John Niemeyer (Country Director) talking to those Seniors and inviting us into it with them, made us all feel like we were family.  We were part of something with these amazing seniors with their entire lives ahead of them, now filled with hope, dreams and a future.  That’s one of many things this place represents.  Giving them so much love, encouragement, education, and support they can see God’s beautiful purpose for each of them.  The school is a place filled with joy and hope.  The students sing praises to God as they cheer on their teams, and welcome strangers with smiles and an abundance of hugs.

Here are some pictures of the New School in construction as it was just 2 weeks ago, getting ready for kids to move in next month.  Pray for the people there in construction, for safety and for the 250+ kids about to move in.  Pray for each of their lives and full restoration through knowing Jesus, and trusting His goodness.

Here are a few of the children we met while walking up to the property.

 For more information on how it all started, check here: and check out this video on the beginning of the new school: