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Just Begin Where You Are.

Whether over coffee or in conversation, sometimes people that don’t know us very well seem to think we’ve figured something out that they haven’t. I don’t think that’s true, but if it’s anything, it’s this. We are weak, and God is strong. And at the end of each day,...

The Right Thing.

We left the courthouse that summer day.  Legal papers were signed, statements made under oath, sworn commitments to the Judge.  We would care for these two new kids in our home to the very best of our ability.  It was legal now.  As we went through...
Saying Yes

Saying Yes

            “Let’s go; I think we just have to do it.”  My husband, Jimmy, said.  Tears welling up in both our eyes, over lunch in a place we tried new just that day; quaint, east side, hidden treasure...
Be Strong & Do Not Fear

Be Strong & Do Not Fear

Traveling on the Ticabus (Tee Ka Boos) from Costa Rica is already slightly daunting. You must watch your bags closely, watch your children, your passports, and constantly check to make sure they are all still with you. Our family of 5, just a few years before we would...


When I first began storytelling, I offered my services literally to anything I felt passionate about. These shots are from so long ago, when my children were tiny and we crossed the Mexico border often to visit friends. There was a clinic in one of the barrios there...