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“There are still valleys to walk through during our remaining days.  The disappointments, the frustrations, the discouragements, the dilemmas, the dark, difficult days , though they be shadowed valleys, need not be disasters.  They can be the road to higher ground in our walk with God.” Phillip Keller

Here’s a snapshot of the face of Vidas Jovenes in Costa Rica. A beautiful truth is being told to many teen moms while they are being loved well by Michelle Suwyn & her team of mentors, volunteers & committee.  We spent the day with these girls, their children, and their mentors, and heard some of their stories.  Being around them and watching them interact with each other and with the leaders, you can see that they have a new hope.  If they come in weary, they leave renewed.  They feel supported and trust in the love that their mentors pour out. Through the time that the leaders lift up and present the Gospel, the girls are drawing closer to their Creator that loves them perfectly.  I am reminded to be thankful that even in difficult circumstances, there are new mercies every day. Without that truth, all of our futures would be hopeless regardless of our weaknesses, mistakes or situations.  My time in Costa Rica has been rich and beautiful in the way of a growing awareness of being human and needing a savior, and how we’re all the same in any way that matters.