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Visiting Matagalpa, Nicaragua was up high on the list of things we’ve experienced that renew our strength, build our faith in how the darkest of circumstances will never eliminate anyone from experiencing renewal if there’s an intersection with Jesus.   In fact, story after story of Him meeting them in the brokenness spurs us as North Americans, with all our entitlement and ease of life, to consider joining those who have no such understanding of such carelessness, ease, or even our striving for such things.    The stories we heard of gangs, abandonment, and truly a past of hopeless poverty has actually refined so many of these leaders here in Nicaragua to be strong in faith, and desperate to introduce Jesus to others.  Here’s a few shots of La Finca Vida Joven Camp in the mountains of Matagalpa, Nicaragua.  A place God uses well to bring kids to Himself, in a safe place to make a decision about eternity.