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Elementary School is again in session.  I’m reminded of how important our words are to our families and our kids as schedules and homework and “routine’ begin to threaten the freedom we felt over the summer.  In just two weeks we begin our 5th Grade girls bible study, and already, I am hearing stories of these girls reaching out to new kids, or kids having a bad day, and I see their friendships being rooted in something that matters.

It reminded me of last Spring, when these girls all got together after school, and filled balloons with messages of hope, love and encouragement.  The excitement they had in releasing the balloons had everything to do with how much they loved being part of something that might speak life into someone that desperately needed it. After praying that the messages go directly to people that needed them, the girls rushed out, counted down from 3, and let them go!  I love how in a world of cynicism (especially now in an election year) they are learning early how to choose between speaking life or joining the masses in criticism and negativity. I’m so hopeful for the school year and how some amazing parents are getting it right. Working together in community, and raising thoughtful kids.

Let’s really see our kids; see all they can be. Speak life into them and they’ll learn to speak life into others.