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This recent picture at the Dream Big Conference (Magnolia) reminds me of all I’ve ever learned not just about @bobgoff when I met and traveled with him some years ago, but of so many of those people we surround ourselves with every day. Are we paying attention? I wonder what life would look like if we accepted that this is Jesus’ posture as well. Imagine that for a moment. Imagine it for everyone, even someone that has hurt you. For the willing at heart to seek, it’s open arms they will always find. It had been several years since I had gotten to be with these amazing people. They graciously let me come along to photograph and I’m still so thankful. A much needed few days and a bundle of photos. I met so many brave people at @dreambigframework and got to listen to their stories and all the intentional plans they were making together for a life they wanted. Each one of them were so hopeful and courageous. I will cherish every story and every person I met, and for the special time I got with some old friends. Being there reminded me that even after what looks like a setback or delay, the season you find yourself in may be the one needed to find your way again. And no matter what’s been taken from you, the gift of each day measures greater with gratitude and hope. I was grateful for the reunion, and I am grateful for each story I get to hear, and mostly for the one I get to live. Gratitude. Hope. Resolve. Courage. And Love.