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It’s been so nonstop, I am just now getting to write.  Our days are so full of experiences, it feels like we’ve been here so much longer than we have in a good way.  Here’s a bit of yesterday so you can experience a taste of it all.   We started out with editing sessions and critiques of the prior day’s work over Croissants, cheese, fruit and coffee, then headed out to Pastores in cabs, which is a smaller community about 10 minutes away.  Things started out slow on the main street, but once we got up the courage to head into the alleyways, and streets where the people live, that’s when the fun started.  The kids there are so full of life, and even the adults there are very kind.  It’s much slower pace and easygoing there in Pastores compared to Antigua.  Some folks got handmade boots for about $40 American dollars.  We got back into Antigua and hit the La Cuevita buffet, which looked very intimidating for all you picky eaters out there, but it was really good.  The people there take your food, and carry it to your table for you.  People here are so eager to help you, so engaging.  After the buffet, we hit the Mercado del Carmen market, where I met a friend of Todd’s and her children.  It’s very nice to have friends around town that we’ve met and now greet us with a warm smile every time we come around.  Next we were off to the Cerro de la Cruz at Sunset and photographed the Cross.  This particular Icon was very beautiful over the city, but we had to do our best to be creative, and to be honest, I much prefer the crosses I photographed tonight at the cemetery.  I’ve attached a few below.

We finally came home to clean up quickly and head to Hectors for dinner.  This place is tiny, candle lit, and incredibly intimate, and  they have incredible roasted tomatoes with Gouda and filet mignon.

After Hectors, we finished our night at Rocky’s for Cuba night.  Ignesio, whom we had photographed the day prior was there playing and singing, and we watched the salsa dancers and took some great shots and met some wonderful people.  We listened to Buena Vista de Corazon there.  We were friends of the band so we had VIP access to the stage and I sat at the foot of the stage all night trying to get the shot  As the night came to a close, we all were exhausted.  Loaded up our gear and walked home in the pouring rain.  We were offered a cab, but pulled our rain slicks over our gear and preferred the walk.  It was 100 degrees in the Cuban club, plus, I think there’s something freeing about walking in the rain.