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Today and within the last several days, I’ve been reading through drafts and looking through photos for the book project for a very talented writer, Audra Outlaw, and remember our many adventures as she interviewed many that have impacted our own stories. As she heads out tomorrow to the writer’s conference in search of a publisher, the thought that these stories may make their way into the hands of so many amaze me again by the God we serve.  As we sat through each interview, Audra and I left changed after each one.

One that has brought back up a series of emotions is Z’s story.  

As excitement that the project is moving forward grows, a deep sadness for the people of Matamoros, Mexico sits heavy on me. The memories are thick today as I miss the people there and am unsure when we can return.   I want to be back in Z’s living room talking about the faithfulness of Jesus, visiting our friends who are enjoying their first house after living in a farmer’s shed, visiting with Daniel at Casa Bugambillia Clinic and remembering the first time we met him and how we prayed right there with him at his bedside as he wept desperately wanted to walk again.  I want to go to the lady at the corner store that told me in tears she had to send her kids away b/c she couldn’t afford to keep them.  I have pictures of those exact kids that I got from an earlier visit and know it would bless her to get them.  I’d love to just pray with her again, and walk the streets with Z, Larry and my sweet husband offering some hope to the sweet people there.  Someday soon we’ll see them on the Mexico side of the border.  But until then I pray for a healing and restoration there and in all of us in our comfortable homes as we are just 6 hours away from the things happening there.  Remembering these amazing people today.

Right now, as I blog, I hear hear my daughter sitting across from me singing, “giving it all to the only Son who gave me hope when I had none, so let the praises ring….”   This is exactly what I imagine Audra hopes to convey in her book, for generation after generation to know the greatest Love of their life in Jesus and that hope is never lost.

For more on Z –

More on Mexico by Audra –

For more on Casa Bugambillia –