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Time for school, for schedules and a great need for priority in our lives.  It’s Young Life season again, kicking off Monday, September 12th.  With collectively 28 College leaders mentoring our middle and high schoolers, NW Austin Murchison (and area private schools)  and Anderson High Schools continue to be blessed with one of the greatest communities I’ve been a part of.   Thankful for the intentional ministry, prayer, support of leaders, partnerships with local churches and a lot of devoted hearts for seeing Kingdom work here on earth.  In NW Austin, we gear up for another powerful year of being part of the story God’s writing in NW Austin.

Last summer, Jimmy and I were blessed to accompany NW Austin to Crooked Creek Ranch to watch some YL High Schoolers closest to our heart visit camp. As I watched them play, learn, and pursue Jesus, I kept remembering and seeing them as they were when I met them.  Middle school.  The were bold, amazing girls that have journeyed to where they are now. Beautiful young women.  Watching the same class of boys grow into young men has been equally humbling to see how God’s using these kids to change and transform many of us.   Some courageous, some still searching, but many are counting the cost, and beginning to agree with the Creator of their worth, and value and understanding their role in changing the world.   Club starts on the 12th, but the relationships between leaders and kids has been ongoing.  Here’s a shot I took while sitting in back of club at Crooked Creek Ranch in Frasier, Colorado, listening to the great sound of freedom from these young adults singing out and having the best week of their life.