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A little over a week ago, we were blessed to go alongside the leaders to retreat this year to kickoff the season.  Billy Suess, Andy Baxter and Michael Boone did a great job leading prayer, worship and guidance.

The next morning, many of the leaders entered the main dining hall with blankets over them, and there was a giant huddle around the coffee.  They were so cold from sleeping in screened in bunkhouses the night before, but happy to be together as a family.  Billy gave a strong talk of renewal, challenge, and encouragement and sent teams into groups.

While Friday was a beautiful night of play, worship, barefoot soccer & late night snacks, Saturday was spent in discussion and breakout sessions.  Jimmy and I loved hearing from these leaders about their semester and preparing for the Spring Semester.  Our kids enjoyed the time there playing alongside the College Leaders, too. Worship time was convicting listening to these college leaders pour out their hearts to God and seek renewal before heading back into the lives of kids.  Thankful for our time there, and the impact it has on our community and families when they return.  Allowing God to lead all things, surrendering each morning again and experiencing true joy in serving.