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Speak Life

Elementary School is again in session.  I’m reminded of how important our words are to our families and our kids as schedules and homework and “routine’ begin to threaten the freedom we felt over the summer.  In just two weeks we begin our 5th Grade...

Another Ordinary Family…

This summer, while in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, we’ve met so many families living poured out lives for the sake of the Gospel.  One thing that keeps standing out as we meet each new person is that the one valuable thing they have isn’t within themselves,...

The Gift of Life Change

Visiting Matagalpa, Nicaragua was up high on the list of things we’ve experienced that renew our strength, build our faith in how the darkest of circumstances will never eliminate anyone from experiencing renewal if there’s an intersection with Jesus....

San Juan del sur

Beautiful San Juan del sur.  A great small and slow-paced surf town.  Enjoyed our time there.  Here’s a few shots from Teethsavers at a nearby school, up the road from where we were staying, and our hike up to the highest point one day.

Vidas Jovenes Costa Rica

“There are still valleys to walk through during our remaining days.  The disappointments, the frustrations, the discouragements, the dilemmas, the dark, difficult days , though they be shadowed valleys, need not be disasters.  They can be the road to higher...

Gulu & Sister Rosemary

I recently wrote Sister Rosemary a letter, sending photos, dreaming about another visit, thanking her for spending time with us, for how she lives her life and looks so much like Jesus.  She’s a woman that you can’t help but feel changed by when you...